Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Channing's New Ball

This video is of  Rise N Shine's Hot Property "Channing".  Julie entrusted him to me to show in California for the next couple of months so I can get more experience grooming and handling a Pomeranian in conformation.   He took Winner's Dog in his first show in Santa Barbara. Channing LOVES his toys and this is a video of his newest toy he enjoys playing with Jacob. 


Anonymous said...

Oh my STARS.. you've corrupted him - ..it's Jacobs fault no doubt.. what a hoot!!

Kurt and Alisha said...

So funny! Jacob and his baby are so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Jacob needs to lay on the ground and throw it up in the air and see if Chan will pounce on his head!!

Now lets see Brad add that ball to his pocket of "things" next time he goes in the ring.

Congrats on finding a new toy for Chan.