Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July/Happy Birthday

Happy 4th of July from my little firecrackers!
Aubrey is ready for the fireworks
Saucie isn't sure what all the fuss is about
4th of July Birthday Pizza for Justin's 28th Birthday
Aubrey riding her tricycle with Uncle Kurt

Hmmm... I have the hardest time placing pictures where I want them and then I can't write around them. In any case I got this desire to have a 36" Cataldo's Pizza today so I called Kurt, Alisha, Justin, Barbie and Aubrey over for a 4th of July/Justin's Birthday Celebration.  I am out of town for his birthday tomorrow so we kind of slid the birthday celebration in there too!
The 4th of July collar for Saucie was quite the hit with Aubrey and not quite the hit with Saucie.


Marti said...

The collar looked much better on Aubrey than Saucie. Aubrey - you've got great taste and a flare for style!

Anonymous said...

Well,Kim and Justin...happy belated birthday! I thought of both of you on your birthdays and reflected on you and your life and how much both of you mean to me. May your birthday wishes come true!