Sunday, November 15, 2009


I graduated from nursing school in 1976 so that means I have been working as a nurse for 33 years!! Yikes, where does the time go? As a nurse I have done a little of everything from camp nursing, public health, home, hospital and then for the last 20 years I have been doing school nursing. The field of nursing has offered me opportunities to work per diem, part time, full time and just about any schedule I want if I was willing to make compensations elsewhere.

2 1/2 years ago I changed jobs from being a District School Nurse to working for the Superintendent of Schools as a Program Nurse where I've worked with Alternative Ed students, Pregnant and Parenting Teens, Cal Safe, grants, Migrant Ed., you name it and I do it. I originally changed jobs because I felt I had lost my enthusiasm for nursing in a district and had become somewhat apathetic about my job.

Well..... after working for the County I find I am no longer apathetic but I do find myself working longer hours, more days, spending hours on a computer,putting together State Reports, learning about budgets, personnel issues, grant writing, time-lines, teaching classes, developing programs.... and the list goes on. So, the job is interesting, challenging , frustrating and exhausting!!

Yesterday I held a Nutrition Workshop for 30 Child Development teachers and put together Power Points, agendas, evaluations, sign-in sheets, hospitality, prizes, set up computer, projectors, organized for stipends, downloaded music for the program , etc. I couldn't believe how much is involved in one workshop!! Thankfully, I have a very good consultant that works with me and did a fantastic cooking demo/nutrition education and two other young ladies that helped put together my Yoga demonstration and the "make and take" activity. All in all, the Workshop was a fantastic success and I feel like it was a great accomplishment.
OK, so now I'm going to take Monday off !!!! Haven't I worked long enough that I can retire and watch grand babies? LOL!!!

The "Nutrition Team"

1 comment:

jacob said...

Did i read that right??
You gave a Yoga demonstration??