After over three years without a functioning bathtub and over 2 years with just a hole in our Master bathroom where a tub should be, a new bathtub was installed on Monday!! Now I know some people wonder why in the world it took so long but there is a long involved story because we had insurance on the tub but they really didn't want to tackle it and in the end we gave up so the tub just said there, unable to be used due to a leak. Brad wanted to replace it with the same exact tub so the dimensions wouldn't change but you couldn't order it without a Contractor's license and then he wanted to install it and then we were told it was difficult and then, and then and then. You get the idea. Well, last week we decided to call the contractor and show him some bathtubs we'd found on line and in the meantime I went to Lowe's and found the exact measurements we needed. So...

We now have our jetted Jacuzzi tube installed!! We have to custom order the spout but we hooked up a hose so little Aubrey could christen the tub because she has always asked about that hole in our bathroom . In fact, we haven't had a tub since she was born but as you can see, she is certainly enjoying it now!

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