Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Introducing "The Boys"


OK, the orange dog is my 9 month old little guy named, Rise N Shine's Hot Stuff or better known as "Gage." Gage will be going with me to the Pomeranian Nationals in Louisville, KY this Sunday where he is entered in his first Rally Novice competition. The black and tan Pomeranian is Mick or Serafina's Mickey Doodle Bug, he began his Obedience training this fall and has earned his CGC (Canine Good Citizen), RN ( Rally Novice) & has certified TDI as a Therapy Dog. Mick is entered the end of this month in Novice Obedience and is currently taking classes in Advanced Rally. The top picture is Mick and Gage at a recent Mardi Gras Dog Match.

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