Well, this blog is turning out to be my dog show blog but that is what I'm doing right now. In any case, this Saturday and Sunday is the Kern Kennel Club show at the fairgrounds. Mick is entered in Novice Obedience for the first time and hopefully he will show what he knows but he has the tendancy to make me humble. LOL. Gage is entered in Novice Rally and if he gets qualifying scores could actually get his RN title this weekend . So, my fingers are crossed.
I have been spending a lot of time training both the boys and have a class tonite in Advanced Rally. Mick still likes to think about whether he wants to be obedient while Gage is always obedient. It makes it more interesting to have the dogs have such different personalities.
My other big news is that I'm going to apply for a School Nurse job with KCSOS. I love my schools and the people I work with but this looks like an opportunity that I need to investigate further. It would mean I would have to work more hours but I would be able to choose when I want to take time off which is very appealing to me. More info on this adventure when I know more!!
Next week is Spring Break! I'm off for a whole week so maybe I can figure out this
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