Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Aubrey Paige


Well I still haven't figured out this photo adding but as you can see, there is more to my life than dogs!
God has blessed me this year with my first grandchild and a grandaughter at that!!! After raising three active boys I am thoroughly enjoying my little Aubrey Paige who is 6 months old. It is so fun to go to the stores and look at pink dresses and lacy bows. To have a baby in the family again with her squeals of laughter and big blue eyes delighted by bubbles blowing through the air is pure heaven on earth. God has blessed us with Aubrey and her smiles and extra rolls of skin that give evidence of the loving care she receives from her mom and dad. I love you little Aubrey!! Grandma KIM

Another Show

Well, this blog is turning out to be my dog show blog but that is what I'm doing right now. In any case, this Saturday and Sunday is the Kern Kennel Club show at the fairgrounds. Mick is entered in Novice Obedience for the first time and hopefully he will show what he knows but he has the tendancy to make me humble. LOL. Gage is entered in Novice Rally and if he gets qualifying scores could actually get his RN title this weekend . So, my fingers are crossed.

I have been spending a lot of time training both the boys and have a class tonite in Advanced Rally. Mick still likes to think about whether he wants to be obedient while Gage is always obedient. It makes it more interesting to have the dogs have such different personalities.

My other big news is that I'm going to apply for a School Nurse job with KCSOS. I love my schools and the people I work with but this looks like an opportunity that I need to investigate further. It would mean I would have to work more hours but I would be able to choose when I want to take time off which is very appealing to me. More info on this adventure when I know more!!

Next week is Spring Break! I'm off for a whole week so maybe I can figure out this

Sunday, March 18, 2007

APC Nationals in Louisville, KY

AHHHH... a whirlwind week. I flew to Louisville , KY late Sunday night with Gage and arrived Monday afternoon. My friend Annette and her daughter arrived about 6 hours later and Annette started grooming Gage almost immediately. We had a fun time checking out Gage and Coltin and were excited about being at the Pomeranian Nationals. The next morning we had to get up bright and early because Gage competed at 7:30am (which was like 4:30 am to us). Gage competed in Rally Novice B against 7 other dogs and although the course was easier than any I'd ever done before I am thrille to say that Gage scored 99 points out of 100 for a Second Place. Yes, that's right, someone else scored a perfect 100!!

The next day was the big show for Coltin where he competed against 63 other dogs that were all Champions. It was quite the impressive competition and although Coltin didn't win he did make the first cut . Coltin was also named in the Top 10 Poms in the Nation. We are proud of Annette and Coltin because their accomplishments are pretty impressive especially considering they do very little traveling. Coltin and Annette looked great and he will always be my winner !

LOL, need to learn how to add the pictures , they keep going on top of each other and I want them in the body of the blog and I added one picture by mistake but the one you can see a gentleman in is actually Tony, the #1 Breeder in the Nation and is actually showing Wolfie who ended up winning the Best of Breed.

The trip ended with an awards banquet on Wednesday night and Annette and I went, tierd, exhausted but still thrilled to have been a part of the American Pomeranian Club Nationals in Louisvilee , KY 2007.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Introducing "The Boys"


OK, the orange dog is my 9 month old little guy named, Rise N Shine's Hot Stuff or better known as "Gage." Gage will be going with me to the Pomeranian Nationals in Louisville, KY this Sunday where he is entered in his first Rally Novice competition. The black and tan Pomeranian is Mick or Serafina's Mickey Doodle Bug, he began his Obedience training this fall and has earned his CGC (Canine Good Citizen), RN ( Rally Novice) & has certified TDI as a Therapy Dog. Mick is entered the end of this month in Novice Obedience and is currently taking classes in Advanced Rally. The top picture is Mick and Gage at a recent Mardi Gras Dog Match.

Why Doodle Bug?

Well, I looked at what I'd written and guess I need to learn a little more about Posting but also realized there might be some confusion about the name of the Blog site.

Doodle Bug came about as a nick-name for my son's dog " Lazy Daisy Doodle". She is a Pomeranian that Kurt and Alisha bought almost three years ago and I wasn't very thrilled about having a "toy" dog join our menagerie of animals. However, Daisy soon became our "Doodle Bug" and very much a part of our household. So, when I got my own Pomeranian I registered him as Mickey Doodle Bug since we decided these little guys fit the nickname of "Doodle Bug"

Maybe someday I will have my own kennel and it will be named Doodle Bug Poms but till that time I have 3 little "Doodle Bugs" (Pomeraniands) and have even made a special area in our yard that is called "Doodle Bug Park" . So, the name "Doodle Bug" refers to my little guys, the Pomeranians. LOL
Hmmm... All I was trying to do was post a comment and now I've ended up with my own Blog? Well, I guess I'll give it a try but not sure this is something I want to get involved in.Today is March 7 and I am anxiously awaiting March 11 when I will be leaving by air with my Pomeranian "Gage" to go to the Pomeranian Nationals in Louisville, KY. I will be meeting my good friend Annette and her daughter Alyssa who are from Washington. I have entered Gage in Rally Novice, an obedience competition in which the owner can talk and motion to thier dog as they go through a course that requires the dog and handler to demonstrate their ability to work together. Annette will be bringing her cousin Julie's dog Coltin (Gage's daddy) where he will compete against the top Pomeranians in the nation. His cousin "Willie" will also be coming from Washington to compete in conformation.It has been almost 2 years since I got my first Pomeranian, Mickey and anyone that knows me knows how involved I have become with my little guys. I find myself spending the weekends attending obedience classes, practicing with them almost daily, bathing, grooming , and just having a great time with them. I am learning lots and am thoroughly enjoying the travel and friendships I have made in the "Pomeranian World".

So, wish me luck as I take off on my big adventure. Gage is only 9 months old so he is awfully young to be competing in obedience but our goal is to have a fun adventure and to learn more about Pomeranians and meet lots of people.

by Grandma Kim
8:47:00 AM
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