It has been awhile since I've posted but life at the Thompson household has been busy. The first picture is my beautiful little granddaughter Aubrey with her new "Paci Princess Bear". Her mom and dad took her to Build A Bear last week and she put all her old pacifiers inside the bear and had it sewn up because now , "she's a big girl". Well, it is kind of working, she hasn't had a pacifier but mom and dad are having to put up with a little girl who at times desperately wants a pacifier and claims, "I'm not a big girl, I'm a baby!!" Smart girl , huh?
Ivy is almost 13 weeks old and as you can see she has an adorable little face. She is beginning to hit the "monkey face" stage which Poms hit and they start loosing their puppy coat beginning with the face so it gives them a little bit of a monkey face look. Aubrey thinks that is the funniest thing when I call Ivy monkey face that she laughs and laughs and then calls Ivy "Monkey Face".
The last picture is of my daughter-in-law Alisha, isn't she about the cutest pregnant person you've ever seen? She has just come from the doctor in this picture and they said they wouldn't be surprised if she delivered this weekend as she is already dilating and 90% effaced. We are all eager and anxious to welcome the newest Thompson and praying for a easy delivery for Alisha. Ahhhh.... I can hardly wait to hold a little baby, to see my baby holding his baby.... life continues.
Today is Easter so I know I'll be posting some more pictures later as we are all gathering for Stacki-Uppi at 5:30 PM
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