She is now 8 days old and weighs 8.2 oz so she has doubled her birth weight. Mama Saucie is interested in her from a distance only so that means we are required to feed her every 3 hours around the clock and make her poo and pee, burp her and brush her. Brad has been very helpful especially since I also returned to work this week and he has been able to do the 10am, 1pm and 4pm feed so I don't have to come home. Most important of all Brad volunteers to do the 4AM feeding so I can get a stretch of sleep between 1-6am.
Aubrey was over tonight and petted her for the first time and actually held the bottle for her after she had already finished eating. She is a lot of work but like parents of a new baby we are enjoying her and are excited by poops, weight gain and watching her every movement. We haven't come up for a name yet so we are open to suggestions. I think my kennel name will be Doodle Bug so ..... Doodle Bugs' Fat and Sassy or Doodle Bug's Princess. I want something unusual possibly even the name of a bug like Circade and then call her Katie or ?????
WEll, you could call her Lady Bug or Lady? Too obvious. Beetle or Beatrice Bug? Betty Bug? Betty Boop Doodle Bug? Milipeed? Milicent? Milly? Julie
What does mickey and the others think about the tiny new creature in their lives?
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