Yesterday, Saucie delivered a 4.1oz beautiful baby girl by C-Section at the Bakersfield Veterinary Hospital. Saucie woke me up around 5am and was obviously in early labor and was scheduled to be admitted at 7am, I called and asked if I brought her at 6am would I be charged the emergency fee and they said yes, so guess who waited till 7am? They didn't do the section on Saucie till after 12 because it turns outthey let her try laboring since the puppy was in the birth canal but they ended up performing a C-Section. Now remember, the x-ray last week showed only a singleton puppy and that it was going to be way to big to be birthed by Saucie so I was worried that I had some kind of "monster" puppy but this little one is very average and quite the beauty. In the pictures the only one taken in natural light is the one of her in the box and this is the only one that shows her true color, the rest make her look much redder than she is. The general consensus is that she may be a Blue Cream Sable. That would be avery unusual and beautiful color so now we just need to wait and see.
Now for the nitty gritty, Saucie has no idea what this little "alien" is, all she knows is that she hurts and this thing wants to crawl over her and suck on her sore tummy! She wants nothing to do with the baby at this point. So.... Mama Kim had to get up and bottle, poop and pee this little girl every 2 hours!! This morning I got Saucie to lay with me and allow the baby to nurse but she wants nothing to do with cleaning it or loving it yet.
Wish me luck, I am very invested emotionally and monetarily in this beautiful baby girl. We are hoping that Saucie will be feeling good enough to take over total responsibility but till then.... set the alarm it is time to bottle the baby!