Thanksgiving was spent at Kurt and Alisha's where they hosted the dinner in their new home. We enjoyed the Organic turkey and the Honey Baked Ham and shared the dinner with Alisha's parents and Justin and Barbie and Aubrey. We were thankful for their new home and their expected baby and for the fact that Daisy survived her life threatening catastrophe and trip to the vet.
It has been really nice having 5 days off but I think I've spent a lot of it fretting over the "SURGERY" that I am scheduled to undergo on December 2. Yes, that's right the day is almost here to have a "new knee". I keep having to tell myself that I'll be so much happier with my new knee but somehow the reality of the surgery keeps overshadowing my thoughts right now.
I don't look forward to those first couple of days with the pain and then everyone keeps telling me how the physical therapy is "bad" too but that the end results are worth it. Hmmmm.... I keep telling myself that. Funny thing is, at this point and time I probably have the least discomfort I've had for months or even years. Why does it happen that way? I mean, 8 weeks ago I couldn't even straighten my leg, had my brace on all the time and got very little sleep at night due to the pain . However, right now my knee is a nagging pain but I think I've limited my activity so much that I am not as aware of my knee as I usually am. Of course, there is no stability to my knee at all and grabbing on to things for balance has become a "norm" for me.
Oh well, pray for my surgeon and for God's wisdom as the doctor makes decisions about my surgery, pray for me to trust and for a speedy recovery.
Hey Sis! Yeah, I'll be praying for you. I know how difficult of a decision this has been for you. I am praying for peace and comfort for you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I mean it!
Oh Kim, I feel so bad that you have so much anxiety about this surgery. Surgery is never fun, and I know it's hard to focus on the end results. Really though, you'll be so much happier. You'll be able to do so much more. You'll be able to ride your bike again (maybe with 2 grandkids in tow), go to Disneyland with the family (pain free), and just in general, walk down stars without the fear of falling. You're such a strong woman! I know you'll be able to get through this.
We're praying for a sense of peace and a speedy recovery.
You know that Kurt and I will be praying for you as well. We love you and know that you will, as always, be strong. I will be sure to bring lots of movies over because we both know how much you love them. :) Barbie is right, you will be so much happier when everything is said and done. Just remember your foot surgery and how quickly you recovered. Soon this will all be a thing of the past. Let me know if you need anything at all.
Holy Father, bless this surgery and Kim's knee to receive all the healing and blessings you have planned for her. Anoint her with your peace and settle yourself in her heart. Thank you Holy Father that through your Son Jesus, all things are made new - EVEN KNEES! In Jesus name, Amen.
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