Since I mentioned Justin's new job I must also say that we are also very thrilled that Kurt started a new job 2 weeks ago with Baker-Hughes. Now, the problem with announcing this job is I really have no idea what he is doing but it involves oil-well planning and computers. LOL!! He just got back from a week long training in Oklahoma City and his new bride Alisha, missed him a lot. The new job will work around his schedule as he finishes his last 12 units needed to complete his Bachelors. Kurt is working hard and learning lots and with his work ethics I know he will go far in the world of OIL. Hmmmm... not a bad field to be in right now. We love you Kurt and Alisha.
1 comment:
AWW We love you too. He owes his hard work ethic to you guys. Thank you for raising such a smart, hard-working man for me to marry. :) And yes I did miss him and am glad that he is home. We will have to have another movie night when he leaves for his fishing trip.. this time Barbie needs to come to. :)
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