Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Family Resemblance? You be the judge.

Aubrey came over last weekend with her blonde hair in pigtails and she immediately reminded me of a picture that was taken of me when I was 2 years old. What do you think? (If you double click on the photo it will enlarge it). The most notable difference is, I have boring brown eyes and Aubrey has beautiful blue eyes, LOL (Barbie will get that joke).


Kurt and Alisha said...

I see it. :) When we talked about it when she was smaller, she resembled you a little. But now even more so, maybe it is because you are closer in age with the picture. Let's see in 4 more months too!

Lynn said...

The piggy tails were a sincher. I always saw you in Audrey. You finally got your girl.

Anonymous said...

I always remember that picture of you. I beleive it is in an oval frame? I love that picture of you. So peaceful and calm. As far as family remeblance...oh yah, I see it! Of course I see it in Justin too.