This is the picture taken at the Kern Co. Kennel Club Show where Saucie won Best of Winners and Best of Breed. I know this is kind of boring to people since she keeps winning but with no comments I have a feeling I write this for myself anyways. Saucie and I traveled to Merced the following weekend and she won Best Opposite on Thursday and Sunday!!! The win on Thursday gave her 2 more points and the win on Sunday was a Major win for 4 points. So, what does all that mean? Saucie has gotten both of her majors required for her Championship so now she only has to get three more points!! Iam thrilled beyond belief to know that she will more than likely finish her CHAMPIONSHIP within the next couple of shows, at least if she continues to be as successful as she has been the last couple of shows!!! I haven't received a picture from her major but yes, when it comes I will once again post a picture of SAUCIE!!! LOL!
Yay!! Finally a Champion in the Thompson house! :) After all the health issues with all the other dogs.. it finally happened. Kurt and I are so proud of you.. you stuck with it.. I know that others (including myself) would have been discouraged.. but not you. :) Congrats! (A little pre-mature, but I am sure she will win!)
We love you!
Congratulations!!. Proud of you and your pooches.
Hope you can join us Saturday monring on walk for March of dimes for Ross. All donations accecpted......for March of Dimes.
Love you,
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