Last week has been a whirlwind of activities, news, grandma time and wedding preparation. To start off with, Saucie won the Sequoia Kennel Club Show on Friday and then the Kings Co. Kennel Club Show on Sunday (she won Winners Bitch , Best Opposite and Best of Winners!!) So, that was a great start to the week. I also heard from my traveling son Jacob and he will be coming home for awhile (needs to earn money in order to continue his journey) so I will get to see him April for the first time in almost 2 years. I also watched Aubrey all day Thursday and had a lot of fun eating chocolate pudding together, playing outside, going to the park and a petting zoo. We also went to the store and bought a baby doll, it amazes me how she "mothers" her little dolls , but, of course she has been mothered by the best so of course she would imitate that with her dolls. She is such a happy loving little girl and such a warm addition to my life.
Lastly, the Thompson household is getting ready for a WEDDING!! My youngest son Kurt will be getting married on Sunday the 16th and the excitement is building. I went with Alisha and her mom for the final fitting of the wedding dress - she is going to be a very, very beautiful bride and I'm so happy for them and happy to be getting another daughter.
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