On Saturday, March 29, 2008 Rise N Shine's She's So Hot won First in Open Bitches, Winner's Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed at the Kern County Kennel Club Show!!! This is an amazing win because she is a she (males win Best of Breed far more often than females) and I have only been showing since September!!! I was so thrilled and this is a picture my sister took as I was coming out of the ring. She earned four ribbons and a gold medallion. We also got to compete in Group which means the Best of Breed from all the Toy Breeds compete and then the winner of the Toy Group competes against the winner of all the other Groups for Best In Show.
Now, my next goal will be to place in Group and to finish Saucie's Championship ( she needs another major and some more points)!! Of course , I guess the ultimate goal would be to win Best In Show. I am having so much fun with our success and owe it all to my friend Julie C who gifted me with Saucie and has been my mentor in Poms and her cousin Annette who helped me with handling and grooming.
Now, my next goal will be to place in Group and to finish Saucie's Championship ( she needs another major and some more points)!! Of course , I guess the ultimate goal would be to win Best In Show. I am having so much fun with our success and owe it all to my friend Julie C who gifted me with Saucie and has been my mentor in Poms and her cousin Annette who helped me with handling and grooming.