Saturday night little Aubrey came over while her parents went out and I had the most enjoyable time just being with my grandaughter. We shared some soup and crackers, whipped cream and some water. She got into my cupboards and took everything out and played with anything that interested her. She played with the dogs and talked with Grandpa Brad. She was happy and content and then around 9 PM she decided she was sleepy. Ahhhhh.... it is heaven on earth to have a little one lay their head on your shoulder, humm and make soft sleepy sounds and then relax and drift off to sleep. The sweetest thing Aubrey also does is to take your hand and place it on her face as she drifts off to sleep. Guess who else drifted off to sleep holding this beautiful little girl?
To make this an even better weekend, Saucie competed in Irwindale in an All Breed Dog Show where she took 2nd place in her class on Saturday and on Sunday she took 1st in her class and Reserve Bitch!!! Way to go Saucie
These pictures were taken by a friend that was attending the show.
Thanks for babysitting grandma and great job with Saucie girl :)
Thanks for babysitting grandma and great job with Saucie girl :)
Congratulations. Very Impressive
Nice Groom Job Kimmie!!
Looks much better than your video cam!
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