1. Facebook is easier and quicker
2. It was a way of keeping Jacob up to date with the family while he was out of the country for 3 1/2 years
3. I don't think anyone actually reads my blog anyways, it is just kind of my personal diary.
So, I'm going to make an effort to blog again but mainly because it is such a good way to scrapbook pictures and events . Here it goes:
It was 111 degrees in Bakersfield on Wednesday, in other words it was HOT!!!! Saturday was a whole different story and the day was beautiful , sunny, slight breeze and in the low 80's . My eldest son Justin called that morning and asked if I wanted to go on a bicycle ride with him and the girls. We had a great time on the bike path riding to the River Walk Park and playing on the toys. Afterwords we injoyed a lunch at Chick Fil A . All in all a very enjoyable day.

Heading out on the bike path

Aubrey at almost 4 has become so much more independent... riding her bike happily down the path
Aubrey climbing on the toys
Whee! What fun to run at the park and play on the toys!
Aubrey loved jumping off the wall and then telling me " it's ok Grandma, I'm not hurt"

Juliet loved swinging

Aubrey pushing Juliet on the swing, Juliet with her ever present happy grin

Ready to leave, one more drink of water and off to lunch.
Well, I see I haven't blogged since Easter but I've figured out that Facebook is so much quicker and easier yet at the same time, I miss out on my journaling. I really don't think anyone looks at my blog anyways but it was a way to journal so that my son Jacob who was gone for 3 1/2 years could keep up to date on family activities. Well, he's been home since February and I just kind of fizzled and took a break. However, what I like about blogging is that you can tell stories with pictures so here goes....