I enjoy blogging and do it for myself but I wish it had a thumbs up comment like Facebook so I'd know if it was even being read. Lol, all but one comment on my blog over the last couple of months have been written by advertisers or people from India
Anyways, I'm going to make an effort to leave a comment of some kind when I read a blog. Hmmm... However, I do visit some blogs that have no idea who I am so I won't leave a comment on those. Lol
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saucie at Paso Robles and Playing with new Camera

Saucie outside in the sun after winning BOS at the Paso Robles Dog Show - Points toward her Grand Championship
CH CR Simply Irresistable --Won Best of Breed and a Group 1 in Toys

Playing with camera took picture in Group

Playing with camera took picture of Bloodhound in Group
Saucie is home from Paso Robles and is exhausted!! Taking a nap with Ivy and Sterling on youth bed in playroom/office
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Serafina's Mickey Doodle Bug CD,RE

He did it!!! Mick finally completed his Companion Dog Obedience Title on October 17, 2010. Mick is my first Pom and my first dog to compete in AKC obedience with but it has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl to title a dog with a CD. I read a book as a child called, Champion Dog Prince Tom and it is a story about a dog earning its' obedience titles. Well, that book still sits in my bedside table. Yep, I've always dreamed of competing in the "Dog World" but who would have ever thought I would start this hobby at the age of 52
Yes, this is the book that started my dreams. I actually think the dog in this book was in hunting competitions bbut it all seemed so fascinating to me to have a close working relationship with your dog.
I have always loved animals and did obedience with my dalmation named Sadie but she wasn't registered and therefore couldn't compete. We dabbled in showing dogs using a handler when we had Bouvier's but I personally had never entered any kind of ring with a dog.
I got Mickey in August of "05 as a "show prospect" and made an agreement with the breeder that I would try to show him as a conformation dog. Well, at ten months he was diagnosed with Legge Perthes and had to have the head and neck of his femur removed and he was neutered at the same time. There went my dreams of showing Mick but with the encouragement of new found "dog friends" in Washington I started training Mick in obedience.
Mickey on the day I brought him home at 8 weeks of age
It was in "06 that AKC Rally was really becoming popular and Mick loved it. Rally is doing obedience but you follow signs in kind of an obstacle course. There are three levels, Novice is on lead, Advanced is off lead with one jump in the course and Excellent is off lead with 2 jumps. Together Mick and I quickly completed his Rally Excellent title winning a ribbon in all but one trial.

Mick jumping in Rally Competition

Mick earning his Rally Excellent Title
I also began competing with Mick in Novice Obedience but he definitely preferred all the "happy talk" that goes on in Rally verses no praise during exercises in Obedience. However, Mick earned two legs toward the required three legs for a CD getting a First Place and a Second Place but in between , there were 4-5 trials where Mick would break a stay at the last 15 seconds, refuse to sit in the hot sun and walk over to the shade or just lag so bad he lost points so the last leg evaded us. Mind you, Mick is smart and knew what he was doing when he broke a stay or lagged, he just always seemed to have his own agenda.
In 2008 Mick injured his bad hip so I had to pull him from competing because a dog can't enter the ring limping.
So , finally, on October 17 Mick and I competed in the Bakersfield Obedience Club Trials. I only entered him one day because I really didn't have high hopes and it costs $28 for each entry. Mick and I practiced twice a day and he hadn't lost his ability to do the obedience and was really looking. When I entered the ring that day many of the members of my obedience club were watching to see if Mick would finally cooperate and finish his title.
Mick during the on-lead portion of the competition. Check out that look he is giving me and his complete attention.
Mick did really good on the on leash portion of the course , completed every automatic sit and looked up at me each time with his cute little smile. He did the circle 8 without flaw , the stand for exam and now it was time for the off-leash portion of the competition. Mick was FANTASTIC! He did lag a little at times but he is a little guy and in order to keep his interest I have to keep a brisk pace to keep him focused. Mick did the Recall like a champ running to me as fast as he could and finishing on command like a well trained dog. Now it was time for the Sit and Down stays for 1 and 3 minutes. YIKES!! He had disqualified several times at this point so I was nervous because he had never broken a stay in training, only in competition.
Mick did it!!!! I love this boy, he helped me accomplish a dream I've had since I was a little girl reading about Champion Dog Prince Tom.
Now I have my own Serafina's Mickey Doodle Bug CD, RE. Thanks MICK, we are a great team and I love you little guy
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Playing with Uncle Gibby (Jacob)
What fun to have an Uncle who is a big kid to play with. You can see how much Aubrey and Zoe adore their Uncle Gibby.
Gibby is actually what Aubrey called Jacob when she first met him. She was almost two and we all thought the nickname was so cute it has just stuck. :-)
This series of pictures was taken at Calvin Crest just outside the dining hall.
Gibby is actually what Aubrey called Jacob when she first met him. She was almost two and we all thought the nickname was so cute it has just stuck. :-)
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween
We had a wonderful afternoon with a BBQ to celebrate Kurt's 25th Birthday and Halloween at Joe and Virginia Howard's. The girls were excited to be in their costumes and Aubrey could hardly wait to go trick or treating.

Juliet's First Halloween

Aubrey as "Wonder Woma"

Thompson's as "Super Family"

Aubrey has the power!

Juliet can fly as "Super Baby"

Zoe as "Baby Smurf" and Alisha as the Smurf Cat

"Baby Smurf Zoe"

Baby Smurf being held by Papa Smurf

Papa Smurf unwrapping birthday presents

Smurf Family
Juliet's First Halloween

Aubrey as "Wonder Woma"
Thompson's as "Super Family"
Aubrey has the power!
Juliet can fly as "Super Baby"

Zoe as "Baby Smurf" and Alisha as the Smurf Cat

"Baby Smurf Zoe"

Baby Smurf being held by Papa Smurf

Papa Smurf unwrapping birthday presents
Smurf Family
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Pumpkin Patch
It has become a yearly family outing to head to the Banducci's Pumpkin Patch each fall and take pictures amongst the pumpkins, scarecrows and fall decor. I got back from a week in Washington last night and today we all (minus Brad who is gone on a camping trip) headed out for a fun evening.

Aubrey and Juliet

Justin, Barbie, Aubrey and Juliet

Alisha, Kurt and Zoe

Zoe in her big boots

Grandma and her granddaughters, aren't I blessed!!!

Zoe trying to pick up a pumpkin

Aubrey was told she could pick any pumpkin at the farm for Grandma and here it is!!

Pony rides for Aubrey and Zoe

Kurt made sure Zoe stayed on the pony but both girls LOVED the ride!

Happy day, Justin throwing Aubrey up in the air
Aubrey and Juliet
Justin, Barbie, Aubrey and Juliet
Alisha, Kurt and Zoe
Zoe in her big boots
Grandma and her granddaughters, aren't I blessed!!!

Zoe trying to pick up a pumpkin
Aubrey was told she could pick any pumpkin at the farm for Grandma and here it is!!

Pony rides for Aubrey and Zoe

Kurt made sure Zoe stayed on the pony but both girls LOVED the ride!
Happy day, Justin throwing Aubrey up in the air
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Aubrey's First Soccer Game
Aubrey, who just turned four played in her first soccer game today. She's the smallest on the team and mom had to tie up her extra small shirt so it wouldn't fall off.

Aubrey had moments that she wasn't really sure if she wanted to get into that swarm of kids

Aubrey had a great day and we all had a lot of fun cheering her on.
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It sure brought back lots of memories of watching my own three boys playing soccer but now I'm the grandma watching my granddaughter play!

Aubrey had moments that she wasn't really sure if she wanted to get into that swarm of kids
Aubrey had a great day and we all had a lot of fun cheering her on.
It sure brought back lots of memories of watching my own three boys playing soccer but now I'm the grandma watching my granddaughter play!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Blogging vs Facebook
I know, I know, I haven't blogged since EASTER!!! I've tried to come up with a reason I haven't been blogging and I think it is because:
1. Facebook is easier and quicker
2. It was a way of keeping Jacob up to date with the family while he was out of the country for 3 1/2 years
3. I don't think anyone actually reads my blog anyways, it is just kind of my personal diary.
So, I'm going to make an effort to blog again but mainly because it is such a good way to scrapbook pictures and events . Here it goes:
It was 111 degrees in Bakersfield on Wednesday, in other words it was HOT!!!! Saturday was a whole different story and the day was beautiful , sunny, slight breeze and in the low 80's . My eldest son Justin called that morning and asked if I wanted to go on a bicycle ride with him and the girls. We had a great time on the bike path riding to the River Walk Park and playing on the toys. Afterwords we injoyed a lunch at Chick Fil A . All in all a very enjoyable day.

Heading out on the bike path

Aubrey at almost 4 has become so much more independent... riding her bike happily down the path

Aubrey climbing on the toys

Whee! What fun to run at the park and play on the toys!

Aubrey loved jumping off the wall and then telling me " it's ok Grandma, I'm not hurt"

Juliet loved swinging

Aubrey pushing Juliet on the swing, Juliet with her ever present happy grin

Ready to leave, one more drink of water and off to lunch.
Well, I see I haven't blogged since Easter but I've figured out that Facebook is so much quicker and easier yet at the same time, I miss out on my journaling. I really don't think anyone looks at my blog anyways but it was a way to journal so that my son Jacob who was gone for 3 1/2 years could keep up to date on family activities. Well, he's been home since February and I just kind of fizzled and took a break. However, what I like about blogging is that you can tell stories with pictures so here goes....
1. Facebook is easier and quicker
2. It was a way of keeping Jacob up to date with the family while he was out of the country for 3 1/2 years
3. I don't think anyone actually reads my blog anyways, it is just kind of my personal diary.
So, I'm going to make an effort to blog again but mainly because it is such a good way to scrapbook pictures and events . Here it goes:
It was 111 degrees in Bakersfield on Wednesday, in other words it was HOT!!!! Saturday was a whole different story and the day was beautiful , sunny, slight breeze and in the low 80's . My eldest son Justin called that morning and asked if I wanted to go on a bicycle ride with him and the girls. We had a great time on the bike path riding to the River Walk Park and playing on the toys. Afterwords we injoyed a lunch at Chick Fil A . All in all a very enjoyable day.

Heading out on the bike path

Aubrey at almost 4 has become so much more independent... riding her bike happily down the path
Aubrey climbing on the toys
Whee! What fun to run at the park and play on the toys!
Aubrey loved jumping off the wall and then telling me " it's ok Grandma, I'm not hurt"

Juliet loved swinging

Aubrey pushing Juliet on the swing, Juliet with her ever present happy grin

Ready to leave, one more drink of water and off to lunch.
Well, I see I haven't blogged since Easter but I've figured out that Facebook is so much quicker and easier yet at the same time, I miss out on my journaling. I really don't think anyone looks at my blog anyways but it was a way to journal so that my son Jacob who was gone for 3 1/2 years could keep up to date on family activities. Well, he's been home since February and I just kind of fizzled and took a break. However, what I like about blogging is that you can tell stories with pictures so here goes....
Friday, April 2, 2010
Easter Egg Time!
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