I took my very pregnant little Saucie to the vet today to discuss options with her new vet and get an x-ray to find out how many puppies she would be having. I have been feeling what I thought to be two puppies for the last week or so and was anxious to find out exactly how many puppies there were. Well, the vet came back after taking the x-ray and said that I needed to come back and see the picture myself. It was unbelievable, it was one, yes ONE BIG puppy that completely filled her from end to end!! You could see its head and you could see Saucie's pelvic bones and you knew that a scheduled C-Section would be the method of delivery for Saucie!!
I'm disappointed that I won't have a "litter" of puppies but excited that soon there will be a puppy in the house. Of course a c-Section will mean some bottle feeding and taking care of mom for a day or so but I'm excited and can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl and what color it is. LOL, it is kind of like having a baby .... anticipation.