Well, I got up at 4:30 this morning , got dressed, ate breakfast , loaded the car with Saucie and headed to Santa Barbara for the Santa Barbara Kennel Club Show. This was to be Saucie's first time showing in California and my first time showing by myself. I got to the Warren Show Grounds in Santa Barbara, parked , got out to open the back (leaving my purse and keys in the car) couldn't open the door so I pressed what I thought to be the "unlock" button. Well, you guessed it, I locked the car with my phone , money, keys and worst of all "SAUCIE"!!!! I had arrived early and luckily a tow truck helped me by unlocking the car and I had time to spare.
Saucie was bathed and brushed and with a few finishing touches we were ready for the ring. I got a call of encouragement from my good friend Annette in Washington a little before our ring time. When our time came Saucie was a little shy of all the people, dogs and noise and had her ears laying back but with encouragement she quickly calmed down. Well, out into the ring we went and she did a fabulous job other than moving away from the judge during the examination. She stood perfectly and had a cute alert expression on her face. We didn't win but we were awarded SECOND PLACE!!! Now we are going to get busy and train for our next show in Santa Ana in Sept.where we want to win a Blue Ribbon (LOL) It is fun and I'm so proud to have the privilege of showing a Rise N Shine pom thanks to my very good friend Julie Clemen. We plan to make Julie very proud of us as Saucie and I learn the art of "Dog Shows" and become a working team. It was a long day, I got home about 5:30 PM, tierd, hungry but feeling very good about the day.