Well, if you are reading my blog I would assume you know me but I guess you can surf through one person's blog and find another person's blog so maybe you don't know me. In any case, my middle son Jacob who is 25 years old left last July to fulfill a dream of riding from Alaska to the tip of South America along the Continental Divide, thus their website name, ridingthespine.com . He is currently traveling with three other friends that he went to school with at UCSC.
I was able to speak to Jacob on messenger today as he was busy working on an article to be published in some adventure magazine and he was ironically in Santa Cruz,Mexico (ironic because he went to school in Santa Cruz, CA and lived there for the past 6 years). Anyways, being able to talk with him made me realize how proud I am of him and how much I miss him because as of July 13, it will be one year since I gave him a kiss goodbye at the SF Airport .
Jacob is my adventurer, lover of life and my son. His trip has been filled with laughs, excitement, pain,being chased by a wolf, hunger, frostbite, thrills, fright, disappointment, meeting new friends, missing old friends, injuries, good times, legal problems, money problems and you name it he has experienced the whole gamut of experiences. I love this child of mine and am proud of his desire to do things that most only dream of doing and yet, I worry about him, miss him and love him so. My dream is just to hold him tight and let him know I love him. Till that day I can hold him again, I pray for God's protection and comfort and I pray that God continues to reveal himself to Jacob in his adventure of a lifetime!!
These are a few pictures Jacob took as they rode through Copper Canyon, I believe the picture is of Jacob (he looks different with a beard) , the 4 guys and then some scenery as they were riding
. Vaya con dios mi hijo!